team coaching
re.invent teams
Teams face many challenges in the workplace.
How to form a a successful team? How to make faster decisions? How to collaborate better with other areas of the company and stakeholders? How to align on a common understanding of a company’s strategy?
I work with team leads to determine their team’s goals and then co-create a plan. I improve the performance of teams and leaders through coaching and workshop facilitation.
Let’s work together! ▸
How do I support team coaching?
I offer team assessments, workshops, and team coaching based on the unique needs of the team. Here are some examples of what I offer to teams:
team direction & strategy implementation
I provide teams with clarity, focus, and coach team members on how to commit to team goals and objectives. The goal is to co-create & activate a team’s strategy and align on changes needed.
team strengths & dynamics
I help teams understand how the team structure supports or doesn’t support their goals. To do this, I work with individual team members on how they can better use their strengths to help the team perform. The goal is to define team member strengths & how these strengths contribute to the greater team’s goals.
team communication
I teach team members how to communicate better with each other in all aspects of their daily work. The goal is to learn about tools that encourage better communication, problem solving and establish a healthy communication culture.
team decision making
I guide teams on how take decisions more effectively so that they can be more productive. The goal is to define roles & responsibilities in decision-making and define commitments of leadership and team members in various decision-making situations.
team development
I create a "team vision” with all team members. The goal is to look to the future and dream big. We co-create team goals, based on team values and connect it with the team’s strategy.
Let’s go team! ▸
team coaching programs
One of the greatest challenges in today’s business environment is to build and develop high performing teams. The High Performing Teams Program explores what it means to have a high performing team at your company.
The High Performing Teams program can be used to:
• Form a new team in transition
• Establish team goals & vision
• Diagnose where a team’s challenges & opportunities for a team's success
The program includes a team roadmap that addresses the following team topics:
1. Purpose — Why are we here as a team? Team members get a sense of identity and how individual team members fit into the overall vision of the team.
2. Trust — Who are we as a team? Team members take steps to share their expectations for the team and establish a foundation for working relationships.
3. Goals — What are we doing as a team? Team members co-create the vision for the team and steps to get there.
4. Commitment — How will we ensure that our agreement happens as a team? Team members understand how the team makes decisions and create a working team agreement to get the work done.
re.invent teams offers customised programs to companies that include coaching, talent assessments, and leadership workshops. We design programs for companies to develop team talent. All workshops can be conducted on-site or virtually.
testimonials ▾
“Catherine is a true leader. Her passion in connecting people builds genuine and long lasting relationships, uniting people and companies.
As a coach and mentor, she brings out the best in people, creating confidence and leveraging her clients' skills. As a strategist, Catherine can quickly create the big picture and work on a detailed action plan, inspiring others and delivering outstanding results. Catherine is a game changer, she is here to make a difference. I highly recommend her work.”
— Laura, Head of Business Planning, Merchandising, Retail Services & Sales Operations, Switzerland